What should you include in a shipping policy?

A shipping policy should be concise but thorough by highlighting essential shipping information that your customers should be aware of. It includes details on expected delivery times, shipping costs, shipping methods, payment information, shipping restrictions, and international shipping.

Shipping costs

Displaying shipping costs gives your customers a chance to review and calculate their total costs before they shop around. Showcasing shipping costs becomes even more important for international customers who may not qualify for certain offers such as free shipping. Many times, international shipping charges vary between retailers significantly due to an increase in carrier charges as well, so you’ll want to be as transparent as possible. 

Shipping methods and delivery times

Whether you offer one or several shipping methods, list out the different methods and the expected business day estimated delivery times for each.

Many times this is shown using a simple table format with one column displaying the different methods and another one with expected processing time frames. 

Shipping restrictions

If you have any shipping restrictions, such as shipping to certain countries or PO boxes, you will want to display them hereSometimes, state legislations may prevent some products from being shipped to certain locations. Be very clear on what restrictions exist and who is impacted by them. 


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